Notes on the collection
A theme of guardianship has emerged: slow motion herdswomen, like godly inflatables - shepherds doing their job.
Helen 2
Ever Increasing Circles
A Watchful Eye
A recurrent motif of an ovoid or ellipse occurs – a pod is the first iron skin.
Trojan Horse
Childlike, maladroit performances occur as a form of deception or mask.
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Bunny Girl
Yates exhibits an increasingly intimate investment in her work, paintings painting themselves with little or no reference material.

Oil on canvas, 120x120cm

Oil on canvas,130x120cm

Oil on board, 40x60cm

Oil on canvas, 120x120cm

Oil on board, 28x35cm

Oil on canvas, 57x86cm

Oil on board, 28x35cm

Oil on canvas board, 50x40cm

Oil on canvas, 114x70cm

Oil on board, 40x30cm

Oil on canvas board, 50x40cm